(一) 在当前页面显示

1. maven引入
<dependency> <groupId>org.thymeleaf.extras</groupId> <artifactId>
thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4</artifactId> </dependency>
2. 页面展示(thymeleaf)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"
xmlns:sec="http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4"> <head> <
meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/> <title sec:authentication="name"></
title> <!-- 获得当前用户的用户名 --> </head> <body> <!–匿名–> <div sec:authorize=
"isAnonymous()"> 未登录,点击 <a th:href="@{/login}">登录</a> </div> <!–登录–> <div
sec:authorize="isAuthenticated()"> <p>已登录</p> <p>登录名:<span sec:authentication=
"name"></span></p> <p>角色:<span sec:authentication="principal.authorities"></span
></p> <p>Username:<span sec:authentication="principal.username"></span></p> <p>
Password:<span sec:authentication="principal.password"></span></p>
<!--以下属性需自定义类继承UserDetails后新增--> <p>Email :<span sec:authentication=
"principal.email"></span></p> <p>Name:<span sec:authentication="principal.name">
</span></p> <p>Status:<span sec:authentication="principal.status"></span></p> <p
>拥有的角色: <span sec:authorize="hasRole(‘ROLE_ADMIN’)">管理员</span> <span
sec:authorize="hasRole(‘ROLE_USER’)">用户</span> </p> </div> </body> </html>
(二) 在代码中使用
UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
.getAuthentication() .getPrincipal();
(三) 继承UserDetails自定义用户信息类
public class UserDTO implements UserDetails { public UserDTO(int userId,
String userName,String password,String salt,String name,boolean deleted,boolean
lockout,boolean active,int tenantId,int organizationId,Collection<? extends
GrantedAuthority> authorities) {this.userId=userId; this.userName=userName; this
.password=password;this.salt=salt; this.name=name; this.deleted=deleted; this
.locked=lockout;this.active=active; this.tenantId=tenantId; this
.organizationUnitId=organizationId;this.authorities =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(sortAuthorities(authorities)); }private final
String userName;private final String password; private final String name;
private final int userId; private final boolean deleted; private final boolean
locked;private final boolean active; private final String salt; private final
int tenantId; private final int organizationUnitId; private final
Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities;public int getOrganizationUnitId() { return
organizationUnitId; }public String getUserName() { return userName; } public
StringgetName() { return name; } public int getUserId() { return userId; }
public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } public boolean isLocked() {
return locked; } public boolean isActive() { return active; } public String
getSalt() { return salt; } public int getTenantId() { return tenantId; } private
static SortedSet<GrantedAuthority> sortAuthorities( Collection<? extends
GrantedAuthority> authorities) { Assert.notNull(authorities,"Cannot pass a null
GrantedAuthority collection"); // Ensure array iteration order is predictable
(as per // UserDetails.getAuthorities() contract and SEC-717)
SortedSet<GrantedAuthority> sortedAuthorities =new TreeSet<>( new
UserDTO.AuthorityComparator());for (GrantedAuthority grantedAuthority :
authorities) { Assert.notNull(grantedAuthority,"GrantedAuthority list cannot
contain any null elements"); sortedAuthorities.add(grantedAuthority); } return
sortedAuthorities; }private static class AuthorityComparator implements
Comparator<GrantedAuthority>, Serializable {private static final long
serialVersionUID = SpringSecurityCoreVersion.SERIAL_VERSION_UID;public int
compare(GrantedAuthority g1, GrantedAuthority g2) { // Neither should ever be
null as each entry is checked before adding it to // the set. // If the
authority is null, it is a custom authority and should precede // others. if
(g2.getAuthority() ==null) { return -1; } if (g1.getAuthority() == null) {
return 1; } return g1.getAuthority().compareTo(g2.getAuthority()); } } @Override
public Collection<GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() { return authorities; }
@Overridepublic String getPassword() { return password; } @Override public
StringgetUsername() { return userName; } // 账号未失效 deleted == 1 ? @Override
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() { return !deleted; } // 账号未锁定 lockout == 1
? @Override public boolean isAccountNonLocked() { return !locked; } // 凭证未失效
@Overridepublic boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() { return true; } // 可用 active
== 1 ? @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return active; } }
